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Study in Germany - for students from Morocco - German Grammar - Deutsche Grammatik


Study in Germany - for students from Morocco

At the beginning of your university career you should find out what is important to be successful.


Where can I find what?

- Apartments
- Jobs
- German courses
- German exams
- Financial support
- Universities
- Exchange programs


Where can you find information?

Try to be as well informed as possible before leaving for Germany.


The following institutions may support you:

longua.org/pathway.program.php - program that supports you when starting university when language courses are required
Directly at the German embassy or a German consulate.

The DAAD could also be helpful.

Further steps:

When all documents are ok, you receive an invitation to take part in an initial test of a „Studienkolleg“ or in a language exam, e.g. DSH (alternatives are Goethe / telc C2 or TestDaF).

longua.org/pathway.program.php - program that supports you when starting university when language courses are required

Language skills are necessary: You should reach the level of B1 (incl. Exam)
Free material: longua.org/downloads.php

Tip: Maybe you have a friend in Germany? - That’s a possibility to learn more about life culture and studying in Germany.


Necessary documents:

- Original acceptance letter of the university
- Abiturzeugnis / A-levels certificate and several certified copies
- Invitation letter to the initial exam of the Studienkolleg
- Réussite, list of subjects and marks of the grammar school / university
- Grammar school / university diploma
- Passport photos
- Copy and original of the Moroccan ID card



There are many students homes close to universities, which are quite affordable, but as they are mostly booked out and you have to wait quite a long time to get a room, you can also try here:

Thereafter you have to register at the residents’ registration office, which you can mostly find in the town-hall. In bigger cities it is often in a separate building, but it can be found easily via Google.

Here you need a valid rental contract or alternatively an inscription address (friend, ...)
A bank account, e.g. at
- Postbank,
- Sparkasse,
- Deutsche Bank
- or any other bank


Inscription at the university

Apart from the documents mentioned above, you also need a health insurance:

Our recommendation:

- TK
- Barmer Ersatzkasse

Choose your health insurance carefully, because a later change is difficult or even impossible.



mehr Informationen unter info@longua.org


Lesen Sie auch: 




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Sprachkurse in Deutschland: München, Berlin, Hamburg

Sprachaufenthalte in Deutschland: München, Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Lindau, Augsburg, ...

Sprachaufenthalte in Großbritannien, Australien, Malta, Neuseeland, Kanada, Irland, ...

Sprachaufenthalte in Spanien: Malaga, Madrid, Barcelona, Mallorca; Amerika: Mexiko, Argentinien, Kuba, ...

Sprachaufenthalte in China: Peking / Beijing, Shanghai, ...

Sprachaufenthalte in Italien: Rom, Neapel, Florenz, Siena, Venedig, Mailand, Como, Salerno, Sizilien, ...

Sprachaufenthalte in Frankreich: Paris, Lyon, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Nizza, Rouen


Sprachkurse - weltweit: Großbritannien, Australien, Malta, Kanada, Spanien, Frankreich, China, Italien

Grammatik / Zertifikate: A1, A2, B1, B1 Tips, B1 Test, B2 B2 Tips, DSHTOEFL, Goethe Prüfung Aufgaben, Internationale Sprachtests

Reisen: Agrigento, Augsburg, Beijing, Calabria, Catania, Cefalù, China, Chinesische Mauer, Deutschland, Foshan, Guangzhou, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Italien, Marken / Marche, Macau, Neapel, Kalabrien, Peking, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Sizilien, Xiamen, Malta, Sliema

Fotos: Photos

Links: Computer, IT, useyourbook.com

Angebote in anderen Sprachen: Summer travel, 夏季特价, Cours de langue, Corsi di lingua, Taalcursussen, Языковые курсы, 시험대비, Saksan kieltä Münchenissä, Kurz lékařské němčiny, الدورة + الفيزا


LONGUA.ORG: languages.li, longua.org in Italien, longua.org in Deutschland, longua.org in China, B1-Test (Schweiz), B2-Test (Schweiz), Allemand à Munich.ch, Soggiorni in Germania.it, Apprendre Allemand, 木木杨的博客 - China